Sunday, December 11, 2016

Dec. 10 Bagel Class

Lots of baking energy in Pratt Road Bakehouse yesterday as all five of the students brought their own skills to the class and together we crafted a nice assortment of bagels.  Great job, everyone!

Monday, May 30, 2016

The Pizza Class (5-25-16)

Our own sauce tops the pizza's.
 Toppings per your favorite ones.  We used roasted peppers, roasted redskin potatoes, greek and green olives, caramelized onions, roasted garlic cloves, shitake mushrooms, and fresh herbs of oregano, chives, and, of course, sweet basil.  The latter three go on after the pizza exits the hot oven.
It was great to see my good friends Sandy and Judy in the class.  Great at their Procurement jobs and great with their pizza's!!
 The organic hi gluten flour mixed on the dry side makes for a very accommodating thin crust pizza.
Here's one of the pizza's baked at 485 F.
How you shape the crust is a variable.  It looks good anyway.